Liberian Students Association formed in the U.S.
After months of intense “behind the scene” struggles, the Liberian Students association in America (LIBSAA) has finally obtain its legal status to operate as a none-for-profit organization (501C) in the U.S.
Liberia has a history of a long standing relationship with the people of America which dates back to decades of years ago. Peoples of the two nations have interchanged trade, education, culture and other vital services that promotes human and infrastructure developments. There are many Liberians who have traveled in and out of the United States in search of academics, economics, social and political opportunities. This immigration and tourism has been highlighted by the fourteen year bloody civil war, which devastated all modern facilities and infrastructures including educational and healthcare delivery mechanism; widely sweeping away every dependable human and material resources available at the time (Brain-drained).
The civil crisis which briefly ended 1997 by an Abuja Accord, setting a democratically elected government in place, recommenced 1998 just after the national presidential elections, this influenced a mass migration of Liberians out of the country to other parts of the world including the United States, adding a significant number (approximately 150,000 more people) to the population of Liberians who have earlier come to reside here (U.S.) in search of better and greater life opportunities.
Regardless of how we, “the Liberian Student Population in the USA” got here, we have greatly engaged ourselves in the pursuit of higher education and other scholarly activities at various institutions of learning in and around this resourceful country (USA). In our individual efforts to develop our minds and contribute to the future development of our nation and its people, we must continue to focus on excellent scholarly performance and activities and organize ourselves in such that we will create a legacy that will collectively represent us as Liberian Students after we have achieved our goals and gone.
Considering the above mentioned circumstances and the fact that we as a people hailed from such impoverished region of the world;
Firmly believing that genuine need for unity amongst us (Liberians residing in the United States of America) is greatly required to foster human and material resource development here and abroad;
Capitalizing on the achievements unity has brought to people from different regions of the world residing here in the USA and determined to emulate such shining examples for the empowerment of ourselves, Liberian Students in the United States of America;
Now, therefore, it is deemed necessary to form an association of Liberian students in universities and colleges in the United States of America to be called “Liberian Students Association in America" (LIBSAA), with the mandate and responsibilities to constitute the below guidelines as guidance to the implementation of the association’s programs.
Aims and Objectives:
To promote and develop the welfare of all Liberians who are current and perspective students in universities, colleges and all academics institutions around the country; and to promote acquaintance among us (Liberian Students) through academics, economics, and social-cultural activities; holding the following objectives:
· to establish a data bank that contains positive information on the names, addresses and telephone numbers and every available contacts of all Liberian Students in academic institutions within the USA, who are members and affiliates of this association;
· to promote the exchange of ideas, technical experience and information relating to scholarships, employments and training opportunities amongst members and mobilized resources to provide materials and financial assistance where needed for the development and education of our members;
· to develop and implement recreational and social activities that encourages frequent acquaintance, association and communication amongst our members;
· to provide guidance and directions for Liberian students graduating from high schools and other secondary education setting with ambition for university and college enrollment by assisting such student (s) with university and college orientation, where needed; and
· to mentor and provide psycho-social and counseling supports for members desiring such services.
Our Mission:
To build a family relationship that would promote an endless quest for education and academic development; and promote the Liberian cultural values while encouraging cooperation, participation, sharing and caring amongst all Liberian Students in the USA .
In fostering the quest of our (LIBSAA’s) mission and objectives, LIBSAA shall hold the following principles as her guidance:
Remaining sincere in all that we do for and on behalf of our members, association, community and most of all our country Liberia, from the depth of our hearts;
Promoting moral and social equality amongst all Liberian Students in the USA regardless of color, condition or creed.
We shall be courageous in our strive for education, focus and steadfast in every step this process requires;
1) Networking amongst members (information gathering and sharing)
2) Recreational programs ( annual festivity )
3) Advocacy and Capacity building
4) Care and Counseling Support Services
Board members
1. Dr. Sakui Malakpa
2. Dr. Patricia Jabbeh Wesley
3. Mr. Moses Saygbe
4. Mr. Vafolay M Tulay
5. Mr. Alvin Teage Jalloh, Esq.
The association hosted its first officials and Board members teleconference meeting on October 28, 2006 at 7:00 pm eastern time. In his opening remarks, the organizing chairman, Mr. Paul K Kennedy formally presented the organization to the Board members and urged them to serve as the organization’s back bones and principal architects. His remarks were followed by introduction of officials and Board members. In her introductory remarks, Dr. Patricia Jabbeh Wesley “who is an assistant professor of English at Penn State University in Pennsylvania, U.S.” Congratulated the architects of the association and pledge her fullest support to the association. She also cautioned Liberian Students to take advantage of the many educational opportunities and add educational values to themselves whilst in the U.S.
Mr. Vafolay Tulay introduced himself and pledged his support to the association. He emphasized the need to create enough awareness and network Liberian Students in order to achieve the association’s goals. Mr. Tulay volunteer to design the association’s website at absolutely no cost to the association.
Dr. Malakpa “who has been one of the organizing architects of LIBSAA” congratulated the hard working organizing officials and promised to answer every working calls of the association at any time. Dr. Malakpa is a 21 year veteran Liberian professor presently teaching at the Toledo University in Ohio, U.S.A.
Another Board member “Mr. Moses Saygbe” cautioned the association to broaden the membership of the association to encourage other students who were born in the U.S. but are of Liberian descends. He said a good number of students who are of Liberian descend but does not know much about Liberia could also be very instrumental in achieving the association’s goals.
On his part, Clr. Alvin Teage Jalloh, Esq, expressed his willingness to render any needed legal assistance to the association. He urged the association to engage in educational activities and to design programs that will help cautiontise other Liberian youths that are not in school.
LIBSAA is urging all Liberian students to rally around the newly formed association in order to achieve its goals.
For more information about the association, call:
1. Sam K Zinnah………..302 241 1442
2. Paul K. Kennedy……..301 755 3008
3. Fallah Porter………….630 863 5923 or email LIBSAA at
Written by:
Sam K Zinnah and Paul K Kennedy
Welcome to the world of news and analysis. Address concerns or questions to:
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006

The Kpakah, Zinnah and Kamara families of Kakata, Bopolu and Billimah announce, with profound regrets, the home going of their mother, sister and grandmother, Madam Massa Zinnah Kamara Kpakah. This untimely event occurred in Monrovia, Liberia at the Saint Joseph Catholic Hospital on October 1, 2006.
Neah (big sister) Massa was the granddaughter of the legendary Mandingo Chief, Sao Boso, of Bopolu in Western Liberia. She was the daughter of Honorable Boima Zinnah, one of the first indigenous to be elected to the Liberian House of Representatives.
Madam Massa Zinnah Kamara Kpaka was married to Mr. Morris Momo Kpakah of Kakata who predeceased her. This union was blessed with eight (8) children, three of whom are in the United States of America, including, Momo Kpakah of New Jersey, Hawa Kpakah and Ibyansi Kpakah of Laurel, Maryland.
She is survived by several sisters, brothers, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, great grandchildren and a host of other relatives.
The body of the late Massa Zinnah Kamara Kpaka will be transported and laid to rest in Totoquelleh, Gbarbolu County.
For further information, please contact: Mr Botoe K Zinnah at 2316841215 or Korvah Zinnah at 23177061023 or contact Sam K Zinnah at 302 241 1442 for additional information.
CONTACTS Location Relationship Tel.
Barbie Zinnah Stewart…………Houston, TX: ……… Sister 281 373-5967
Mr. Thomas & Botoe Zinnah…..Monrovia, Liberia…..Brothers 2316841215
Korvah Zinnah…………………Monrovia, Liberia….. Brother 23177061023
Mrs. Zoe Kpakah………………Monrovia, Liberia …Daughter
Elton Momo Kpakah…………..Elizabeth, NJ…. …….Son 908 400 -5312
Hawa Kpakah………………….Laurel, Maryland….....Daughter 301 776 – 4651
Emmet Kpakah ……………….Monrovia, Liberia……Son 2316422566
Ibyansi M. Kpakah…………….Laurel, Maryland…….Son 301 466-5103
Hawa Ma Zoe Kpakah…………Minnesota…………Grand daughter 763 561-8599
Announcement by:
Sam K Zinnah
Delaware State
On behalf of the family
The plight of homeless Liberian children in Senegal
Children are valuable gifts from God to mankind which no amount of money can buy. When God gives us children, he expect us to play our role well by providing provision, protection, discipline etc. if these children are to become better future leaders or citizens. But unfortunately, Liberia was became a dancing and breeding ground for poverty and the devil over the years with war all over in Liberia and neighboring Sierra Leone, Ivory coast and parts of Guinea. The fourteen year civil war in Liberia forced thousands of Liberians into refuge in search of security and better life. In the process of escaping to neighboring countries “from Liberia” many children lost their parents to stray bullets, hunger and other diseases thus leaving them with limited options to struggle in meeting the expense of their survival and security whilst in refuge. Some successfully escaped to Senegal but were abandoned in the streets of major cities in Senegal begging for their daily bread as if they were from nowhere.
Having felt the need as Christians, a group of three Evangelist came together to establish the Children Souls Ministry in Senegal in 2000 with Evangelist Melvin Kpeh as the executive Director. The Children Souls Ministry is a non-for-profit Christian humanitarian organization which funding comes directly from friends, sympathizers, well wishers, sponsors and concepts organized by the children geared towards supporting themselves in refuge.
According to Evangelist Kpeh, The Children Souls Ministry’s objective is to take as many children “out of the streets” as possible. Evangelist Kpeh said his ministry has been involved in training, educating and sheltering homeless and abandon Liberian children in Senegal. He said his ministry does not want these homeless children to feel neglected by society but to see them feel part and parcel of society and to become better citizens who will return to Liberia to contribute to the reconstruction process. Evangelist Melvin Kpeh and his hard working staffs are working tirelessly to reunite these children with their parents “if they have” but unfortunately, most of the children are abandoned and don’t even know their parents and well about. The initial goal of the Children Souls Ministry was to cater to twenty children between the ages of five and fifteen years but because of the growing number of homeless children that are kicking at the Ministry’s doors, it has become almost impossible to say no to any of the children that hits the door with their personal belongings in plastic bags.
In an online conversation with Evangelist Melvin Kpeh and Evangelist Titus Sebo, few touching and heart breaking questions was posted to this author. Evangelist Kpeh asked: Have you ever held a dying baby in your arms? Have you ever seen a mother in tears because she cannot look after her child or children? Have you ever watched as children beg for the very things that we throw out? Have you ever realized that you could or someone could be you? Have you ever care enough to make a difference in someone’s life?
Both Evangelists Melvin Kpeh and Titus Sebo re-emphasized that their Ministry “The Children Souls Ministry” came into existence for the sole purpose of saving the lives of refugees and abandoned children that are left in the streets of Senegal to struggle in meeting the expense of their survival, security and education. He said some of these children are abandoned due the parents’ inability or unavailability to cater to them. Evg. Kpeh said as Christian he cannot only worship Jesus and continued to see homeless and helpless children died in the streets simply because there’s no one to cater to them. He said the vision of his Ministry is to see these children stand up and say we are not the church of tomorrow but the church of today. The Ministry also wants to see these children stand for the Biblical truths where other generations have failed. According to the executive director, since the establishment of the Ministry in 2000, they have moved from one building to another due to the Ministry’s inability to meet up with rent, utility bills and capacity to accommodate the heavy influx of homeless children. Due to the above reasons, the executive Director of the Children Souls Ministry “Evangelist Melvin Kpeh” is urging all Bible believing Christians to come to the aid of these homeless and abandon children.
For donations, contact the below address:
The Children Souls Ministry
B.P. 25134, Darkar Fann
Tel: +221-537-3144
By: Sam K Zinnah
Liberian Student
Delaware State
Having felt the need as Christians, a group of three Evangelist came together to establish the Children Souls Ministry in Senegal in 2000 with Evangelist Melvin Kpeh as the executive Director. The Children Souls Ministry is a non-for-profit Christian humanitarian organization which funding comes directly from friends, sympathizers, well wishers, sponsors and concepts organized by the children geared towards supporting themselves in refuge.
According to Evangelist Kpeh, The Children Souls Ministry’s objective is to take as many children “out of the streets” as possible. Evangelist Kpeh said his ministry has been involved in training, educating and sheltering homeless and abandon Liberian children in Senegal. He said his ministry does not want these homeless children to feel neglected by society but to see them feel part and parcel of society and to become better citizens who will return to Liberia to contribute to the reconstruction process. Evangelist Melvin Kpeh and his hard working staffs are working tirelessly to reunite these children with their parents “if they have” but unfortunately, most of the children are abandoned and don’t even know their parents and well about. The initial goal of the Children Souls Ministry was to cater to twenty children between the ages of five and fifteen years but because of the growing number of homeless children that are kicking at the Ministry’s doors, it has become almost impossible to say no to any of the children that hits the door with their personal belongings in plastic bags.
In an online conversation with Evangelist Melvin Kpeh and Evangelist Titus Sebo, few touching and heart breaking questions was posted to this author. Evangelist Kpeh asked: Have you ever held a dying baby in your arms? Have you ever seen a mother in tears because she cannot look after her child or children? Have you ever watched as children beg for the very things that we throw out? Have you ever realized that you could or someone could be you? Have you ever care enough to make a difference in someone’s life?
Both Evangelists Melvin Kpeh and Titus Sebo re-emphasized that their Ministry “The Children Souls Ministry” came into existence for the sole purpose of saving the lives of refugees and abandoned children that are left in the streets of Senegal to struggle in meeting the expense of their survival, security and education. He said some of these children are abandoned due the parents’ inability or unavailability to cater to them. Evg. Kpeh said as Christian he cannot only worship Jesus and continued to see homeless and helpless children died in the streets simply because there’s no one to cater to them. He said the vision of his Ministry is to see these children stand up and say we are not the church of tomorrow but the church of today. The Ministry also wants to see these children stand for the Biblical truths where other generations have failed. According to the executive director, since the establishment of the Ministry in 2000, they have moved from one building to another due to the Ministry’s inability to meet up with rent, utility bills and capacity to accommodate the heavy influx of homeless children. Due to the above reasons, the executive Director of the Children Souls Ministry “Evangelist Melvin Kpeh” is urging all Bible believing Christians to come to the aid of these homeless and abandon children.
For donations, contact the below address:
The Children Souls Ministry
B.P. 25134, Darkar Fann
Tel: +221-537-3144
By: Sam K Zinnah
Liberian Student
Delaware State
A respond to Cyril Allen's allegations
A respond to Cyril Allen’s allegations
The National Patriotic Party “which self proclaim chief, Cyril Allen led” was not operated as a political party but rather as a notorious form of pro-paganist and satanic group or arrangement that terrorized, dehumanized, denied children of their childhood immunity and inflicted mayhem upon the entire sub region all the days of their stay in power. The influenced of the so-called NPP is today expressed by the presence of their self proclaim stander bearer behind bars in The Hague, in Netherlands. Cyril Allen chaired a Group that operated as professedly human hawks that send others to rape and mutilate innocent kids whilst he and his boss “Charles Taylor” followed the battle towns’ procession like predatory carpet-beggars.
Life has just been disappointing for Cyril Allen and his partisans since the formation of their so-called NPP. In the entire life span or administration of the NPP, there was no complete definition of “Democracy” so it was not too surprising to hear Mr. Cyril Allen referring to his disqualification from contesting the upcoming Margibi county District # 2 bi-elections as mockery to Democracy and justice. Allen’s understanding of Democracy is quite different from the universal definition or function of Democracy. When I listened to Allen’s allegations, few questions came to my mind: Which “NPP” party convention elected Charles Taylor as standard bearer of the NPP? Who contested against Charles Taylor at that Convention? He was a self proclaimed standard bearer. So his “Taylor” self-proclamation introduced a new system to the NPP. Allen “being so power greedy like his boss” quickly proclaimed himself as “CHIEF”. After Allen’s self proclamation as chief, Kuku Dennis decided he could not sit back and let all the huge titles go without him getting hold of one. He “Dennis” declared himself as four star-general.
During the notorious NPP arrangement “chaired by Cyril Allen”, there was no accountability, respect for human rights and freedom of speech so where is Cyril Allen coming from with his Democracy? During his tenure as chairman of the National Patriotic Party, thousands “if not, millions” of Liberians were coerced into exile. In April of 1998, I nearly lost my head off my shoulder simply because I wrote an article entitled: Law makers, not noise makers.
NPP apologized to Liberians several times for failing to deliver some of their dishonesties.
According to article 58 of the Liberia constitution, the president of Liberia is mandated to deliver annual message to the Nation “Liberia” on the fourth working Monday of January in each year. At such time, the president is required to present his/her legislative agenda and is expected to provide a financial report for the following year. Unfortunately, Cyril Allen and his boss “Taylor” did not read that part of the constitution and so they moved on with their Democracy without accountability. What really bothers me about it now is the silences of this well know Democrat “Cyril Allen” over all of the above. Maybe all of his “then radio Liberia, or KISS FM” journalists associated with broadcasting and printing suddenly went on strike and chose to block out news about the NPP’s failure to give financial report to the Nation. Other than the above possibilities, I find it difficult to comprehend how I could have missed such an important even. In my refugee bed at the time, I surfed the web virtually and monitored almost all of the news media in Liberia on the daily basis so such an important event may not have passed without my attention. Again, what happen to Democracy and where was Cyril Allen?
Today, the democratically elected rebel leader of the NPP “war crimes criminal Charles Taylor” sits behind bars grumbling for food. Maybe he’s behind bars because he and his NPP “which was chaired by Cyril Allen” delivered justice and Democracy to some places that Democracy and justice was not needed. Allen should be referring to Edwin Snowe’s elections as mockery to Democracy. Many of us are now criticizing the Sirleaf Government for allowing someone like Allen to freely parade the streets of Monrovia whilst thousands of homeless kids roam the streets of Monrovia in search of daily bread.
The fact that Allen is making all these allegations without being dragged to hospital bed is one of the real definitions of Democracy. His “Allen’s” disqualification from the Margibi County House race is a clear and strong signal that judicial system in Liberia is now credible and will simultaneously graduate to transparency.
Prior to joining the house race for Margibi County, Allen was also heard criticizing the government on the 150 days deliverable. I almost brook my legs into my computer “which I usually used to monitor news from and about Liberia” the question that came to my mind was: What did the “Cyril Allen chaired” NPP deliver to Liberia and Liberians?
Mayhem, lies, tortures, rape and bunch of apologies?
Allen should be should be ashamed of himself whenever he mentioned the word “Democracy”. This is a man who headed the National Patriotic Party which did not live up to even a fractional part of the tenure of democracy. Now he comes out portraying himself as one who really understands the word Democracy. Where was Allen when his NPP securities flogged cllr. Francis Johnson Morris when she served as directress of the Catholic Justice and Piece Commission? Where was he when Cllr. Tiawan Gonglo was brutalized by “NPP” government securities? All of the above and many more were done without the perpetrators facing the due process of the law “if it ever existed in their arrangement” right in the face of Allen. Cyril Allen witnessed and contributed to the above but did not question the existence of Democracy until now. He and his many collaborators are yet to go to court for their actions against humanity.
The truth of the matter is that Cyril Allen wants to draw our attention away from what we “Liberians” should be telling the Ellen led government about him. Allen is a rich man and he knows that we “Liberians” are aware of this. He amassed wealth for himself from petroleum products and scrap materials from LPRC when he served as Director. He operated a logging company (MTC an auxiliary to OTC) in the Bomiwood forest in Lower Lofa (now Gbarpolu County), Cape Mount and Bomi Counties. In all of these operations, he was only accountable to his boss “Ghankay” instead of national government since infact there was not one. We “as well as Mr. Allen” know that during the NPP led government tenure, Mr. Taylor was the government and Allen, Kuku Dennis and the entire sycophantic cheering squad of Taylor were the Liberian people.
Apart from being the chairman of the NPP, Mr. Allen also served as chairman of the National Investment Commission where he overtly took liberty of redirecting investment funds “that were accrued” into his personal bank account in Nigeria and other parts of Europe. After overtly looting the economy of Liberia, he has come back to Liberia demanding to be rewarded as representative for a county that he has never resided in for a complete week, what a shame? Let me be very quick to inform Mr. Allen that legislature is not money making place as he may be thinking. Mr. Allen, please be contended with what you already have since infact we are not demanding you to return them to Liberia. Be grateful and appreciative for now by going into the private sector. Make investment with the Liberian people’s money and provide job opportunity for those homeless Liberians that are affected by your economic looting. You can do it and we know you have the financial capability. Go private or you shout up and sit down. Liberia doesn’t really need you in public life now.
Sam K Zinnah
Liberian Student
Delaware State, USA
The National Patriotic Party “which self proclaim chief, Cyril Allen led” was not operated as a political party but rather as a notorious form of pro-paganist and satanic group or arrangement that terrorized, dehumanized, denied children of their childhood immunity and inflicted mayhem upon the entire sub region all the days of their stay in power. The influenced of the so-called NPP is today expressed by the presence of their self proclaim stander bearer behind bars in The Hague, in Netherlands. Cyril Allen chaired a Group that operated as professedly human hawks that send others to rape and mutilate innocent kids whilst he and his boss “Charles Taylor” followed the battle towns’ procession like predatory carpet-beggars.
Life has just been disappointing for Cyril Allen and his partisans since the formation of their so-called NPP. In the entire life span or administration of the NPP, there was no complete definition of “Democracy” so it was not too surprising to hear Mr. Cyril Allen referring to his disqualification from contesting the upcoming Margibi county District # 2 bi-elections as mockery to Democracy and justice. Allen’s understanding of Democracy is quite different from the universal definition or function of Democracy. When I listened to Allen’s allegations, few questions came to my mind: Which “NPP” party convention elected Charles Taylor as standard bearer of the NPP? Who contested against Charles Taylor at that Convention? He was a self proclaimed standard bearer. So his “Taylor” self-proclamation introduced a new system to the NPP. Allen “being so power greedy like his boss” quickly proclaimed himself as “CHIEF”. After Allen’s self proclamation as chief, Kuku Dennis decided he could not sit back and let all the huge titles go without him getting hold of one. He “Dennis” declared himself as four star-general.
During the notorious NPP arrangement “chaired by Cyril Allen”, there was no accountability, respect for human rights and freedom of speech so where is Cyril Allen coming from with his Democracy? During his tenure as chairman of the National Patriotic Party, thousands “if not, millions” of Liberians were coerced into exile. In April of 1998, I nearly lost my head off my shoulder simply because I wrote an article entitled: Law makers, not noise makers.
NPP apologized to Liberians several times for failing to deliver some of their dishonesties.
According to article 58 of the Liberia constitution, the president of Liberia is mandated to deliver annual message to the Nation “Liberia” on the fourth working Monday of January in each year. At such time, the president is required to present his/her legislative agenda and is expected to provide a financial report for the following year. Unfortunately, Cyril Allen and his boss “Taylor” did not read that part of the constitution and so they moved on with their Democracy without accountability. What really bothers me about it now is the silences of this well know Democrat “Cyril Allen” over all of the above. Maybe all of his “then radio Liberia, or KISS FM” journalists associated with broadcasting and printing suddenly went on strike and chose to block out news about the NPP’s failure to give financial report to the Nation. Other than the above possibilities, I find it difficult to comprehend how I could have missed such an important even. In my refugee bed at the time, I surfed the web virtually and monitored almost all of the news media in Liberia on the daily basis so such an important event may not have passed without my attention. Again, what happen to Democracy and where was Cyril Allen?
Today, the democratically elected rebel leader of the NPP “war crimes criminal Charles Taylor” sits behind bars grumbling for food. Maybe he’s behind bars because he and his NPP “which was chaired by Cyril Allen” delivered justice and Democracy to some places that Democracy and justice was not needed. Allen should be referring to Edwin Snowe’s elections as mockery to Democracy. Many of us are now criticizing the Sirleaf Government for allowing someone like Allen to freely parade the streets of Monrovia whilst thousands of homeless kids roam the streets of Monrovia in search of daily bread.
The fact that Allen is making all these allegations without being dragged to hospital bed is one of the real definitions of Democracy. His “Allen’s” disqualification from the Margibi County House race is a clear and strong signal that judicial system in Liberia is now credible and will simultaneously graduate to transparency.
Prior to joining the house race for Margibi County, Allen was also heard criticizing the government on the 150 days deliverable. I almost brook my legs into my computer “which I usually used to monitor news from and about Liberia” the question that came to my mind was: What did the “Cyril Allen chaired” NPP deliver to Liberia and Liberians?
Mayhem, lies, tortures, rape and bunch of apologies?
Allen should be should be ashamed of himself whenever he mentioned the word “Democracy”. This is a man who headed the National Patriotic Party which did not live up to even a fractional part of the tenure of democracy. Now he comes out portraying himself as one who really understands the word Democracy. Where was Allen when his NPP securities flogged cllr. Francis Johnson Morris when she served as directress of the Catholic Justice and Piece Commission? Where was he when Cllr. Tiawan Gonglo was brutalized by “NPP” government securities? All of the above and many more were done without the perpetrators facing the due process of the law “if it ever existed in their arrangement” right in the face of Allen. Cyril Allen witnessed and contributed to the above but did not question the existence of Democracy until now. He and his many collaborators are yet to go to court for their actions against humanity.
The truth of the matter is that Cyril Allen wants to draw our attention away from what we “Liberians” should be telling the Ellen led government about him. Allen is a rich man and he knows that we “Liberians” are aware of this. He amassed wealth for himself from petroleum products and scrap materials from LPRC when he served as Director. He operated a logging company (MTC an auxiliary to OTC) in the Bomiwood forest in Lower Lofa (now Gbarpolu County), Cape Mount and Bomi Counties. In all of these operations, he was only accountable to his boss “Ghankay” instead of national government since infact there was not one. We “as well as Mr. Allen” know that during the NPP led government tenure, Mr. Taylor was the government and Allen, Kuku Dennis and the entire sycophantic cheering squad of Taylor were the Liberian people.
Apart from being the chairman of the NPP, Mr. Allen also served as chairman of the National Investment Commission where he overtly took liberty of redirecting investment funds “that were accrued” into his personal bank account in Nigeria and other parts of Europe. After overtly looting the economy of Liberia, he has come back to Liberia demanding to be rewarded as representative for a county that he has never resided in for a complete week, what a shame? Let me be very quick to inform Mr. Allen that legislature is not money making place as he may be thinking. Mr. Allen, please be contended with what you already have since infact we are not demanding you to return them to Liberia. Be grateful and appreciative for now by going into the private sector. Make investment with the Liberian people’s money and provide job opportunity for those homeless Liberians that are affected by your economic looting. You can do it and we know you have the financial capability. Go private or you shout up and sit down. Liberia doesn’t really need you in public life now.
Sam K Zinnah
Liberian Student
Delaware State, USA
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