Sunday, July 15, 2007

Welcome: Baby Sam

His mother and father's dream was to one day have him in their arm.
Sam Kamara Zinnah fled his native Liberia in 1996 in search of peace and security. In the process, he met beautiful, quiet, and determine Victoria Korpo Kekula on the over crowded refugee camp of Buduburam in the Gomoa District of Ghana’s central Region. Later in 2001, Sam resettled to the United States and began working on getting his “dream wife-to-be” over to the United States. In may of 2004, Sam returned to Ghana and wedded Victoria “Korpo” Kekula on May 21, 2004. Months later, Victoria “along with her parents” moved to Australia where she spent two years schooling. On October 6, 2006, Victoria was received by her husband at the J.F.K international airport in New York.
Victoria and her husband’s dream were to one day hold their junior boy in their arm and play with him. In may of 2007, during one of the couples regular visits at the bayhealth medical center in Dover, Delaware, an ultra sign was conducted on Korpo, the technology revealed a healthy baby boy relaxing in his luxury womb of his mother. The day was one of the happiest moments in the couples marriage. Korpo’s entire nine months was very peaceful and precious. We both could not wait to see our first boy. On july 7, 2007 (7/7/07), a family baby shower was scheduled. The shower turned into a celebrity shower. Gifts were pulling from all angles of the United States, Australia, Canada and even Liberia. One week after the celebrity shower, Baby Sam Kamara Zinnah Jr finally arrived on July 14, 2007 at 9:35 pm at the bayhealth medical center in Dover, Delaware. At birth, he weight 7lbs 1 0z.

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