Sunday, June 17, 2007

Non-Resident Liberians to Launch Campaign for Dual-Citizenship

By: Nvasekie Konneh

Since the start of the Liberian civil war, thousandsof Liberians have sough refuge in other countries andas a result of longtime residence in those countries,some applied for citizenship and took employment inthe militaries of those countries. These non-residentLiberians, according to the campaign agenda, areLiberians who love their country just like any otherLiberian. As a result, non-resident Liberians have prepared apetition urging the Liberian Legislature to pass abill that formally recognizes dual citizenship. Thepetition along with the gathered signatures will besubmitted to members of the 52nd National Legislaturebefore their second legislative session comes to anend. Please sign the below petition to tell theLiberian Legislature to support legislation thatofficially allows Liberians to have dual citizenship.


TO THE HONORABLE, the Senators and Representatives ofthe 52ND Legislature of the Republic of Liberia: We, the undersigned non-resident Liberians, do herebydeclare our support for legislation that recognizesthe continued support of non-resident Liberians, andapplies retroactively to protect all Liberians frominvoluntary loss of their Liberian citizenship. Werespectfully submit that a Liberian should remain aLiberian citizen for as long as he or she personallydesires to be one. Our beloved Liberia is at a crossroad, and needs allLiberians aboard its reconstruction train.Government's impediments should not be in the way ofLiberians who have a lot to assist the nation. For decades, non-resident Liberians have contributedand continue to contribute to the economic,infrastructural, social, and other needs of theirbeloved Liberia and its people. It is time theNational Legislature formally recognizes the continuedsupport of these dedicated Liberians, and supportlegislation that protects them from involuntary lossof their Liberian citizenship. We, therefore, call on you, our Senators andRepresentatives, to promptly support legislation thatrecognizes and encourages the continued support ofnon-resident Liberians. The legislation should applyretroactively to protect all Liberians frominvoluntary loss of their Liberian citizenship. Respectfully signed by the non-resident Liberians: To affix your name “as signature” to this document,please click on the below link and type your name andstate or country of resident.

Respectfully signed by the non-resident Liberians:
To affix your name “as signature” to this document, please click on and type your name and state or country of resident.

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